2050 W Chapman Ave #102, Orange, CA92868
(818) 923-6345 (Text message available)

Infertility treatment at Orange Acupuncture

Clinic located in Orange City, specialized in Pain Control, Headache, Migraine, Menstrual Problems, Menopausal Syndrome, and Infertility - (818) 923-6345

Infertility treatment at Orange Acupuncture

A patient came for fertility, tried naturally for over 1 year without any good news.
They want to try more natural way first before they decide to try In vitro fertilization (IVF)

They have a 7 year old child and have done clinical checks. All result showing there’s no problem.
(at least telling me that there are no structural problems which I can not help on)


Patient’s menstrual cycle is very regular, with almost no cramp or clot.
1 week before each period, she finds herself hard to control her emotion.
Her sleep is very light, wakes up a lot at night, and hard to fall back to asleep.
bowel movement once every 3-4 days.


1st treatment:

The treatment focus is on the large intestine meridian and liver meridian.

Liver meridian goes through reproductive organs, it is the main meridian that controls the period condition and pregnancy.
It is easy to be affected by emotion, so it is commonly used in stress relieve treatments.
Usually people with light sleep, wakes up a lot during the night, is also related to this meridian as well.

Her bowel movement condition suggests that her large intestine meridian is having a problem as well, it could be secondary to the liver meridian.


2nd treatment(after a week):

Sleep condition becomes better, but still wakes up at night.

bowel movement about the same

–>same treatment


3rd treatment(after a week):

Sleep condition is better, bowel movement is still not too good.

same set of problem, but her pulse shows her condition is getting better

–> same treatment



Before the 4th treatment, when she should be on her period, she told me that she’s pregnant and ask me if she should come for the 4th treatment.
I told her better wait 2-3 months to play it safe. Because she’s still new to acupuncture, her body reaction to acupuncture might not be stable enough to safely have acupuncture treatment too soon.

But acupuncture can defiantly help on her pregnancy discomforts, and help on her and her baby’s body condition. So she’s welcome to come back for those after a few months.



Orange Acupuncture, Winston Wang